It'e been a while, but I am still here! The holidays have got me on a bit of a hiatus! I am working a very cool gig at a local health food store Farmers Market. It's only two Sundays a month, but needless to say it has kept me busy making (and selling) soap. This is a very good thing. Now I just need to schedule myself accordingly. (LOL!)
These are my Green Tea shave soap bars. I used my tried and true "Sulfate Free" gylcerin soap base and added some Green Tea Powder for detox, some Kaolin Clay for Slip and Dry Skin, as well as some Dr. Bronners Unscented Liquid Castile Soap for a little more lather. I scented them with a refreshing Basil/Sage/Mint Essential oil. We'll see what kind of response these get on the sales side of things, but so far I give them a "thumbs up".
Okay, so first off I am working on my buy a bar page as many soaps are no longer available. Plus, there are a whole bunch of new soaps that I have yet to put up! I will update that page in the next few days.
This week I got back to my roots of melt and pour soap making. I also tried to spread some new ones by trying the hot process method of soap making! While working at the farmers markets I have had some recent soap bar requests. One was shave soap bars with some natural clay additives, and the other being shampoo soap bars.
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Green Tea Shave Bars |
These are my Green Tea shave soap bars. I used my tried and true "Sulfate Free" gylcerin soap base and added some Green Tea Powder for detox, some Kaolin Clay for Slip and Dry Skin, as well as some Dr. Bronners Unscented Liquid Castile Soap for a little more lather. I scented them with a refreshing Basil/Sage/Mint Essential oil. We'll see what kind of response these get on the sales side of things, but so far I give them a "thumbs up".
I don't have any pics just yet, but I also whipped up a batch of Comfrey & Betonite Clay Bars scented in Sandalwood. Once I get those pics, I will post them. Boy, it's been a while since I made melt and pour. I had to wrap those suckers quick, because they started to sweat! LOL! CPOP has me so spoiled.
These shampoo bars will be named "Pelo Bello Bars". Pelo Bello is Spanish for "Beautiful Hair". Here's to them living up to their name! :/
On to my next endeavor this week: The Hot Process Method of Soaping! In the past I have seen many, many, many, tutorials on hot process soaping. Plus I have rebatched old soaps in my crock pot and felt like it was somewhat similar, so I had a basic idea. Since I have been thinking about making some Shampoo Bars, I decided to go ahead and make them using the hot process method. Here is my result:
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"Pelo Bello Bar" |
I used a combination of cleansing and nourishing oils. Coconut, Avocado, & Shea Butter (just to name a few). Then I added a bit of honey and Vanilla Lavender Essential oil for a calming and nourishing scent. So I researched the daylights out of shampoo bar recipes and came up with a whole lot of questions. Now I am wondering if I should work on a few different kinds, based on hair types. (Dry Hair vs Oily Hair) Methinks this recipe will be more geared more towards hair that is similar to my own, curly and on the dry side. So for now I will be giving these a test run with some curly family members before selling. So give me some time to see of this particular recipe makes the cut.
That's all I've got for now, but I shall return with so much more! Adios Bellos!!!